Your Workout Rhythm: Getting Started
If you've ever cut a piece of wood with a hand saw, you know the first few strokes are the toughest. You take a swipe, then another, and then another - and, depending on how hard the wood is (and how sharp your saw!) - it may take several swipes before you can really get that back-and-forth sawing motion going. But once you get the rhythm started, chances are you'll complete the cut. And so it is with your workout - you may try a few things here or there, but until you get that rhythm going, you really won't enjoy any real results. So, how do you get that rhythm started?

As I mentioned in the last post, what you bought when you purchased your club membership was a destination - a means to a goal. If someone came up to you during class and asked "Why are you here?" you'd probably have an answer - and (hopefully) that answer would indicate what your goal is. My experience has been that most - maybe even all - people in Pump classes have some sort of goal in mind. And more often than not, it's the attainability of those goals that differentiates the regulars from the part-timers.

Nothing's absolute, but I would submit that goals such as "I want to get into better shape" or "I want to lose X amount of weight" probably won't get you into a workout rhythm. They're either not measurable, or not realistic (BodyPump builds muscle, which weighs more than fat!). If you're new to BodyPump (been at it for a month or less) or trying to get a workout rhythm started, I'd like to suggest focusing on modest, short-term goals such as dropping one pant size, or being able to climb a single flight of stairs without getting winded. Because when you're first starting out, these small, attainable goals are like the short swipes you take when sawing that piece of wood - before you know it, you've surpassed those goals - and gotten the workout rhythm started. And, once you've gotten a workout rhythm started, the bigger goals get a whole lot more attainable!
(Next post: Your Workout Rhythm: Keeping Steady)
5 Comment(s):
On 07 February, 2006, Blogger Tami and Craig Warman said...

Thank you for the encouragement! My hope is to help new class attendees - either directly, or through their instructors - to get a workout rhythm going. It took me many years to get mine going, so if I can help someone avoid the frustration that I went through then it's all worthwhile!

BTW, Tami's really the great instructor - but don't tell her that or she might decide she doesn't need me anymore!!

On 07 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Craig - you're a wonderful communicator and I'll bet you really connect with your participants. I don't know what your 'real' job is, but if you aren't a wordsmith in some capacity, you aren't putting your talents to good use. LMUSA should tap into your talents and get you to write for them!

On 07 February, 2006, Blogger Tami and Craig Warman said...

Alright, how much is Tami paying you guys to write such nice comments?! ;)

On 07 February, 2006, Blogger Tami W. said...

How'd you find out?? Just kidding! Great post - In line with that - I started working out with weights about 10 years ago after I had lost weight. My goal back then was to lose a bit more weight and tone up. At 37 I had never seen a muscle on my body and often doubted I had them. After 6 weeks of regularly working out at home with small hand weights (using a book by Joyce Vedral) I started noticing a 'bump' on my upper arm - what I now know as a bicep. That was all the motivation I needed to keep working out. I loved being able to see my muscles! Also - when I first started I weighed 133 and wore a size 10. I now weigh 130 and wear a size 4! Kewl!

I worked out on a regular basis - 3 times a week and got into my 'rhythm' as Craig talked about. For me, working out has gotten to be like eating or brushing my teeth. It's a habit. I feel sluggish if I miss my workouts.

My goals for working out have changed since then. I want to take care of the body I have so I can live a long time. I see so many older folks - not even that old - who don't do anything but sit around watching the Price is Right. (ie: my parents!) Don't waste the precious life you have been given! There are too many places and things to enjoy and I don't want to miss out on any of it.

On 22 May, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Emilie and i live in the UK. I just want to say that i have been doing Body Pump for over a year now and the changes in my body are amazing. I now have a six pack, great tone definition in my arms and an overall sense of being so healthy. I combine Body Pump with running, cross trainer and swimming. I am 26 but i feel better than i ever have in my whole life. I am more healthier now than when i was 20. I would definitely recommend anyone to have two Body Pump sessions a week, it is the best work out i have ever had.


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