Missing: one husband
Has anyone seen my hubby? He should be somewhere in the vicinity of DC. If you see him, tell him to get back home so he can start writing again!


I am soooo glad summer has finally drawn to a close. It has been one we will not soon forget.

So, since Craig has been a bit busy, I decided to put my thought down on a subject that was brought to my attention a while back. I shall call it “Things That Annoy Instructors”.

#1. Coming in late to class and missing the very important warm up – and setting up weights can be a bit distracting. I must say though that it doesn’t always bother me. I just usually say hello to the person and move on!

#2. Leaving before the very important cool down. I know that some people have to leave because of jobs, etc., but the cool down is extremely important. Also distracting can be when weights are being put away as we instructing. However, on Fridays, there is a class right after ours so I will sometimes start putting our weights away while Craig teaches so we are not late getting out.

#3. This is what annoys me the most. When a new person comes to class and we try to go over proper form, and they are not paying the least bit of attention. Usually they are chatting with a friend or adjusting the weights on their bar instead of listening. Personally, I find this to be pretty rude. It makes me feel like I’m wasting my time, yet it is for their own benefit that we do this!

#4. When only 2 people show up to class!

Well – I think that is it. But in all fairness, I will try to put down what I think is annoying to participants.

#1. When the instructor is late.

#2. When the instructor is too ‘chatty’.

#3. When they have a sub.

#4. When we foul up the choreography.

#5. When I keep talking about my shoe fetish.

#6. When Craig and I act like Lucy and Ricky.

Did I miss anything? Hope not!

BTW – Craig will get the 63 review out soon.