A tough one to write
I know many of you have been wondering what has happened to Craig and I so I will try to explain!

The past two months have been insane. My father became ill, and after a month in the hospital, he passed away. During that, there were kid issues, an 11 day cruise, Christmas with Craigs family, a ten day mission trip to Romania, Craig trying to decide if he should change careers, and his 19 year old cat, Bogen, died.

Needless to say there has not been any time to write. And then, once we came back from Romania we decided to prioritize our lives so we can do more missions work. Body Pump takes up a huge chunk of our time, and therefore, we have decided, that we should step down from teaching. It was not an easy decision to make because we enjoy teaching it so much but we feel it was the right decision for us at this time. We may still sub from time to time, and our GFM has said that our spot will always be open to us. (Thanks AH!)

The hardest part was having to tell our class we would not be coming back. (sniff)

Of course this does not mean we will sit at home and get flabby! If anything we plan on working out harder - just at home in less time!

Anyway - I guess thats it and we are sorry for taking so long to fill you in.

Always a pumper - Tami
13 Comment(s):
On 19 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This past Monday Tami and Craig's Body Pump class was excellent, as always. They not only demonstrate excellence in the routines, but also create a fun, interactive atmosphere during cless. However, the end of class on Monday was a shock when Tami and Craig announced that they would be shelving their instruction for now. For all of you who enjoy the insight and down-to-earth comments they provide in this blog the sadness of not having them in active instuction will also be felt. Certainly, they have experienced many pressures this past few weeks and our thoughts and prayers are very much with them. Hopefully as the dust settles they will return to the active instuction realm.

On a personal note, I started pump just a little over one year ago. As a 64 year old my usual pushing weights in the gym and swimming didn't quite do it, even though I worked out on a regular basis. A combination of Body Pump, Body Flow and swimming has been super and Tami and Craig served as a major inspiration for this success. I am 20 pounds lighter and have not been in better condition in 40 years.

On 20 January, 2007, Blogger Reymond said...

Dear Tami and Craig,
I'm sorry for your loss.
It's going to be so weird in the blogging world without you guys. It has become a habit to visit your blog and to know that you're stepping down from teaching came as a shock. Your class is going to miss you so much. But you know what's best and I support your decision. Thank you for all the insights of Body Pump. Wish you all the best.

On 21 January, 2007, Blogger Chantal said...

Tami, Craig
I'm sorry for your loss. It must be a hard time for you right now, but I know you'll get there. I wish you all the best in the future with your mission work and everything else you'll do. Any time if passing thru Amsterdam airport (maybe on your way to Romania), come say hi at the KLM ticket counter, or come visit the gym for a BP class. Thanks for your passion and input for BP.

On 22 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tami and Craig, your announcement breaks my heart. The principles behind "mission work" are not my thing, but kudos to you for making it a priority in your lives. I know your BP class will miss you as much as we (the readers of your blog) will miss your thoughts on the latest and greatest BP release. Good luck to you!

On 23 January, 2007, Blogger Tami W. said...

Thanks for all you kind words. It means alot to us - more than you realize.

As far as "The principles behind "mission work" are not my thing", I feel the urge to reply. Mission work is more than just telling people about Christ. It is about pulling up your sleeves and helping out where it is needed most. Whether that be in Biloxi, Mississippi helping people put their lives back together after Katrina, or in Romania building life long relationships with children who have no families, or right here in our own backyard - to me, that is what mission work is.

Nikki, your so sweet! We are planning a trip to the midwest in June! Let us know where you are at - we will try to get out that way!

BTW - We may not teach Pump right now, but we are still very involved in fitness. I am continuing to teach my healthy backs class, doing personal training, and currently studying to become certified as a senior fitness instructor. (I love seniors! They are very dedicated!) So feel free to keep writing in - we are still here!


On 23 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi T & C, wow you're outa there! good luck with the now and the future it's always hard leaving something you love but you know when other things need more time and attention and its time to go there. enjoyed your site lots of interesting feedback and comments take care out there and look after each other - luv ur work - pumpfrog ;-)

On 24 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow a comment from THE PUMPFROG!! cool!

On 25 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

....but Craig just bought a new Pump shirt!! :-(

On 31 January, 2007, Blogger admin said...

I am sorry to read the above. I hope one day you guys come back to Bodypump and Bodybalance.

From one greatfull guy who appreciates everything you have done here in this site and words cannot say how much I appreciate your sites link to mine.

All my best Tami and Craig!


On 31 January, 2007, Blogger admin said...

I am sorry to read the above. I hope one day you guys come back to Bodypump and Bodybalance.

From one greatfull guy who appreciates everything you have done here in this site and words cannot say how much I appreciate your sites link to mine.

All my best Tami and Craig!


On 08 February, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. I have been enjoying reading your posting and I hope you will be back teaching when you are ready.
Please remember there's always someone in California sending good vibes.
I am also an instructor but I stopped teaching after giving birth. Being a new mother, I just can't cope with sleep deprivation and memorizing the choreography.
Best wishes.

On 09 February, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tami and Craig,
I'm sorry for your loss.

Will miss your blog as much as I have missed mike. Hopefully we will hear from you in future times.

Take good care of each other

On 16 March, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its really a sad for Craig, what happened with him. Body Pump took up a huge chunk of their time and decided to step down from teaching. It is really not an easy decision for them. But it is right decision in that situation.

Its really a tough story to write.



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