A tough one to write
I know many of you have been wondering what has happened to Craig and I so I will try to explain!

The past two months have been insane. My father became ill, and after a month in the hospital, he passed away. During that, there were kid issues, an 11 day cruise, Christmas with Craigs family, a ten day mission trip to Romania, Craig trying to decide if he should change careers, and his 19 year old cat, Bogen, died.

Needless to say there has not been any time to write. And then, once we came back from Romania we decided to prioritize our lives so we can do more missions work. Body Pump takes up a huge chunk of our time, and therefore, we have decided, that we should step down from teaching. It was not an easy decision to make because we enjoy teaching it so much but we feel it was the right decision for us at this time. We may still sub from time to time, and our GFM has said that our spot will always be open to us. (Thanks AH!)

The hardest part was having to tell our class we would not be coming back. (sniff)

Of course this does not mean we will sit at home and get flabby! If anything we plan on working out harder - just at home in less time!

Anyway - I guess thats it and we are sorry for taking so long to fill you in.

Always a pumper - Tami