Pick any two tracks from the 50's warm-up series and listen to them one after another, and the first thing you might notice is how similar they are. In fact, we bet if you played any 50's warm-up track for someone even only moderately familiar with the BodyPump program they'd likely identify it as such straight away. Sure, they're different songs performed by different artists, but it's definitely not like listening to, say, the bicep tracks from two different releases. The warm-ups in the 50's series just have a certain sound to them, more so than the other nine songs - a nearly unmistakable signature that seems to have developed over these last couple years. Nothing wrong with that of course, it's just an observation of ours.
Having said that, here's our picks for the best, worst, and most memorable warm-ups of the 50's series:
So are we spot on, or totally clueless? Click the comments link and tell us about it. Better yet, send us some email about your most/least favorite tracks from the 50's series!
Having said that, here's our picks for the best, worst, and most memorable warm-ups of the 50's series:
Best: Rise (Safri Duo) - BodyPump 54 -The very first time she heard it, Tami said this was the best one yet. "It's not one of those typical girly songs" she said, "this one really gets your heart rate up and sets the tone for the rest of the workout." Which is why it holds the coveted "most played" status in our Warm-Ups playlist, and why it's still our favorite to this day. Naturally, Shape Shifter's Back To Basics from BodyPump 55 deserves an honorable mention for its retro-70's sound, along with Tina Cousin's Come To Me from BodyPump 57 for featuring that nifty mid-stroke stop/reset in the squat sequence.Well there you have it - the first of our ten picks for the best, worst, and most memorable from the 50's series. Next up: Squats
Worst: Surrender (Nicki French) - BodyPump 59 - At the risk of sounding too set in our ways, we've gotta say we just can't get happy with the way this track ends so abruptly. There's always that uncomfortable stillness in the room as the music suddenly trails off - and there we all are, just standing there holding our bars, feeling a little like we must've missed something somewhere...
Least Memorable: Only If I (Kate Ryan) - BodyPump 53 - Okay, we lied. We were supposed to be picking the most memorable here, but this song puts us and our classes to sleep so fast that we just couldn't help ourselves. It's not a bad song - in fact, it's a pretty good song. It's just so - well, it's just not the sort of tune that puts us in the mood for working out. Which is why we've sort of forgotten to put it on our playlists for the last year or so.
So are we spot on, or totally clueless? Click the comments link and tell us about it. Better yet, send us some email about your most/least favorite tracks from the 50's series!
Totally with you - "Rise" is my favourite warm up, followed by "Come to Me". I love the songs, but with "Rise", the first time I taught it I was surprised that it pumps the HR up so well, so quickly!
Btw, I love this "Best of" you guys are doing! I'll be checking back a lot!!
I agree - "I Surrender" has too many breaks, but the song isn't bad. However, I didn't like "I'll Be Your Light" from BP 58 at all.
If you didn't like the ending to 59 wait for 60