Yesterday Tami showed me an advertisement for the the latest innovation in weight training: It's the Whole Body Vibrator! According to the ad (PDF), you simply stand or lay on this thing just 10 minutes a day for improved circulation, strength, flexibilty, and balance - not to mention elevated mood, vitality, and increased mobility. And here all this time I've been under the (apparently) mistaken impression you gotta get your butt in gear if you want those kinds of results. Well alrighty then, sign me up! And tell Gramma she can forget that afternoon walk - now she can vibrate herself right into fitness nirvana!
I can see it now... Les Mills creates BodyVibe. "THE WORLDS EASIEST WAY TO GET INTO SHAPE". One hour of "Good Vibrations"
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The vibration stimulates not only active, slow twitch muscle fiber that moves our bodies in physical activity
Vibration training and equipment is not just used by fitness instructors and enthusiast. It’s also used for physical therapy and rehabilitation.