So you've been getting that workout in - every day, every other day, whatever you're doing just seems to be humming along. It feels good, and you wonder what took you so long to get into such a great rhythm. Then, for whatever reason, you miss a workout. Make that two. And before you know it, you've been out a week or more.
Okay, it happens - and, truth be told, it happens to everyone sooner or later. The fact that you get out of the rhythm isn't the disaster here - it's how you handle it. Here's what I'd like to suggest:
Okay, it happens - and, truth be told, it happens to everyone sooner or later. The fact that you get out of the rhythm isn't the disaster here - it's how you handle it. Here's what I'd like to suggest:
- Acknowledge that it isn't the end of the world. You're not doomed because of this. As any athlete will tell you, they're either up or getting up - you can't always prevent the fall, but you don't have to lay there on the ground, either.
- Think about what happened. Often times people say "I just got busy". Said another way: "Other things took higher priority in my life than my workout". So if that applies to you, think about the things that are taking priority over your workout - then either re-align those priorities, or modify your workout schedule so that it's not constantly getting trumped by things that truly are more important.
- Then get back in the gym.
Hiya, I've just rebooted yesterday after two weeks of abscence. As you've said, other priorities took over + lately my gym had a female Pump boom and all the sets were gone in notime, so twice in a row I left with nothing to hold in my arms. It felt really weird. I did take two Attack classes in between, but that was for cardio conditioning. Today my muscles are sore, although I dropped weight for every track. I think two BP classes per week are a minimum to keep you in form.
Emm, when can we expect a BodyPump 57 review?
Thanks for all the reviews so far. And keep up posting your blogs, they are truly inspiring!
Greetings from Slovenia
Hello to you in Slovenia! Thank you for writing to us. We don't yet have a copy of 57, but we're going to a quarterly instructor event this weekend so that'll be our first opportunity to hear (and hopefully review) it!
Hello also to Gepl, yes I agree two times per week is definitely the minimum to maintain, three times is a very good standard!
USA should receive BP 57 soon. My credit card was charged today (March 3) so I know I will receive it very soon. I can't wait!
Hi Craig, we don't get to hear the release till the 1/4 thats the first time we hear it.
Have a wonderful time with BP 57 and BF 32. Tami is going to fall in love with track 9 and the whole release.
I want to hear your review of the quarterly Craig and Tami! Tell us how it went!