Music Licensing (and other various issues)
A May 15th letter from BTS CEO Richard P. Boggs states that "at least 28 Exercise Program releases developed by Les Mills Music or Les Mills International prior to May 1, 2005, contain unlicensed music." Les Mills has responded to these charges in a recent post to its website that also addresses other issues raised by a prior BTS website post.

Why is BTS bringing this up, anyway? If there's any merit to the charge then it's between Les Mills and the owners of those music licenses. It has nothing to do with the clubs - or anyone else, for that matter. C'mon guys!
3 Comment(s):
On 18 May, 2005, Blogger admin said...

There seems to be tons of issues here. Say of an instructor uses a song that is not licensed then they are breaking the law by using unlicensed music in a club. In addition, the public liability thing as well. If the song is not licensed to Les Mills then if something does happen to someone while using the music. Where does that place the instructor and Les Mills International?

On 21 June, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I have this figured out. BTS is recycling old bodypump tracks with different choreography and calling them new BTS group power releases. Gym members just assume that they are doing old bodypump tracks and are being kept in the dark about the whole LMI and BTS parting of ways.

On 22 September, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find a club that has the Fall releases of groupPOWER, groupKICK and groupSTEP. BTS has stepped up their game


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