The Good Life?
Well, as the saying goes: No matter how bad you think you've got it, there's always someone worse off. I don't know if that's true in this case or not, but it seems some of our friends up in Canada might be feeling that way right about now. Apparently Les Mills has awarded exclusive distribution rights for its programs in Canada to GoodLife Fitness Clubs. In other words, if you teach or attend BodyPump, Step, Combat, Flow, etc. at a Canadian club that isn't a GoodLife club, well - you're going to be seeing some changes really soon.

At least we here in the States have a choice (actually, the club owners do). For what it's worth, we like the attitude of one Canadian instructor who added this comment to one of our posts: "But when it comes down to it--we will deliver BTS as we did Les Mills, and our clients won't even know the difference."

Way to go.
4 Comment(s):
On 13 May, 2005, Blogger admin said...

Hi Craig we have a conversation going about the same thing in my forum:

Check the site out :)

On 15 May, 2005, Blogger admin said...

How can clients participating in Canada have a chance to do a BTS (Group Class.)If there is no where for them to do it?

On 29 May, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Goodlife is now also Les Mills Canada and any non Goodlife club will have the option of buying the new BTS programs.

:) JP

On 13 July, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will create a lot more competition for GoodLife, they are also planning on having their own master trainers.
There are many unhappy instructors and members as the last of the freestyle classes are going.


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