Shh... BodyPump 54 Sneak Peek
>>> Updated 6/5/05:
>>> We now have BodyPump 54 in our hot little hands!
>>> Click Here to read our full review...

Some BodyPump 54 pre-release promo material I recently located. Enjoy...

"This new release is different but still stays true to the BODYPUMP® successful programme. The latest class brings a fresh new feel to the proven Les Mills formula for getting bodies into shape in record time. Great new sounds inspire great commitment to the workout, with new choreography issuing challenges - and rewards- for participants at every level of fitness. Program Director Mike McSweeney gets the new class off to a cracking start with a fast-paced warm-up. Safri Duo's bongo drums impart a real sense of urgency to the opening track. Then it's time for the thighs to feel the burn as participants work with the familiar rhythm of Run To You and take the squats deeper and wider. Slinkee Minx empowers some hard-out chest work with Summer Rain - there's no escape from the bottom half moves. An awesome back track follows, fuelling strength in the rows and lifts and huge power in the two clean and press phases. Triceps are also in line for a challenge, helped along by the uplifting sounds of Gwen Stefani's What you Waiting For? The clock's 'tick tock' is a reminder that time is running out to get busy. Christina Auilera's powerful vocals help everyone nail the bicep track with her hit song Car Wash from the Shark Tale movie. Next up are lunges, with some great shoulder work to follow - watch out for the double dose of push-ups and an awesome overhead section at the end. Fatboy Slim slows down the tempo for the core work with Steve Miller's cruisy classic The Joker and Mike winds up the class with Sting's super-cool A Thousand Years."

Should be in our hands late May or early June, and we'll launch mid-July (yeah we'd do it sooner but the club controls the schedule). Rock On!
5 Comment(s):
On 01 May, 2005, Blogger admin said...

If you check into my site we have the up to date track lists.

You need to register, sorry.

On 12 May, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is no big secret. all you have to do is go to les and it is all there honey

On 23 May, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there! Just found your blog when searching for information about Bodypump 54. I'm a 23 years old girl from Finland, and great fan of bodypump. I guess I'd better keep on reading your blog from now on... :)

Greeting, Hanna from Finland

On 02 June, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But where are the updates? Waiting...

On 02 June, 2005, Blogger Tami and Craig Warman said...

We're waiting too! We checked in with Les Mills earlier this week and they said that 54 was being sent on May 31st - it's still not here yet but we'll post an update just as soon as it's in our hot little hands!!


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