Body Pump 69 Tracklist
Fellow blogger Glen Stollery has posted the Body Pump 69 Tracklist... Our quick thoughts: Kid Rock and Rihanna join Fall Out Boy on a release that has more "top 40" tracks and artists than most of late... Good to have 3 Doors Down serving up a quick encore to their BP 68 Chest Track thriller, while Pink's becoming almost as regular on BP releases as E-Type once was on the shoulder tracks. Pop Quiz: Who remembers the last release on which "Castles In The Sky" made an appearance? (bonus: Which workout track was it?)
Body Pump 68 In A Day
Like many instructors, we've got full-time jobs that keep us both pretty busy - Tami's a personal trainer specializing in Senior Fitnees and Craig's a software engineer. So finding time to learn new releases isn't always easy.

Which brings us around to release #68. Tami's going with our tried and true formula for learning new releases, while Craig plans to cram it in 24 hours before the first class. Gee, should be interesting to see which of us crashes and burns on Wednesday! (yeah we know we're deadbeats for just now getting around to the 68 launch)